Financial wellness benefits

Let’s get fiscal. If you’re like most people, you focus a decent amount of attention on your physical and emotional wellness. But your financial wellness likely gets, uh, shortchanged. Not if we have anything to say about it. Autodesk offers an array of financial wellness benefits to help you master your money and make sense of your dollars.

Financial tools and education

Through Lincoln Financial Group’s WellnessPATH, you have access to a wide variety of financial tools and education that can help you achieve your overall financial wellness goals.

You’ll find articles, videos, personalized tools, and self-assessments on a range of topics, including retirement planning, managing debt, saving and investing, family finances, and more. Visit the Lincoln portal to register and personalize your experience to get info that’s relevant to you, all year round. Registration code: AUTODESK

Financial assistance in times of need

The Employee Relief Foundation is a nonprofit charitable trust created as a way for Autodesk employees to support each other in times of critical need.

The Employee Relief Foundation provides short-term financial assistance, in the form of monetary grants, to US Autodesk employees who have experienced financial hardship due to disaster or medical expenses incurred by the employee or the employee’s immediate family.

Grants are funded by donations from Autodesk employees and are matched by the Autodesk Foundation. All donations are tax-deductible.

Estate planning

GuidanceResources is offered through Autodesk’s relationship with Lincoln Financial Group and gives you access to free will document preparation. Registration code: LIFEKEYS. Use it to create free and discounted estate planning documents, such as wills and powers of attorney. Simply answer an easy-to-understand questionnaire to generate your legal document. You can make unlimited free revisions.