Retirement is right around the corner. Well, for most of us, not really. But time goes by fast, so it’ll be here before you know it. It’s never too early—or too late—to start planning. Whatever your goals, Autodesk’s 401(k) plan can help get you there. Regular US employees are eligible for the 401(k) plan upon hire.
3 Reasons to participate in the 401(k)

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Your contributions
Your contributions can be made on a pretax, Roth, or traditional after-tax basis. New employees are automatically enrolled in the 401(k) plan at a 6% pretax contribution rate. The pretax contribution amount automatically increases by 1% each year unless you opt out of the automatic increase. You can change your contribution at any time.
The total of all your contributions, including the company match, can be up to $69,500 in 2025—or $77,000 if you’re 50+ or $80,750 if you're 60–63 .
Pretax contributions: Contribute up to 75% of your eligible compensation each pay period before taxes are withheld, up to the IRS limit ($23,500 for 2025, combined with Roth). Since you’re not paying taxes on these contributions now, you’ll pay taxes when you use this money in retirement.
Roth contributions: Contribute up to 75% of your eligible compensation each pay period after taxes are withheld, up to the IRS limit ($23,500 for 2025, combined with pretax). Since you’re paying taxes on these contributions now, you won’t be taxed when you use this money in retirement, provided your first Roth 401(k) contribution was made at least five years prior.
Traditional after-tax contributions: Pay taxes on your contributions now, and any investment earnings will be taxed when you make a withdrawal. Plus, your after-tax contributions can be converted to Roth later so you can accumulate tax-free investment gains. Traditional after-tax contributions are not eligible for company matching contributions.
Catch-up contribution: You can contribute an additional $7,500 if you'll be age 50 or older by the end of the calendar year, for a total of $31,000 in pretax or Roth contributions. If you'll be age 60–63 by the end of the calendar year, you’re eligible to contribute an additional $11,250, for a total of $34,750.
Talk to the experts
You may want to take full advantage of traditional pretax and Roth contributions before making after-tax contributions. But there are a lot of factors to consider. Your best bet is to get advice from a tax professional or financial adviser.
Free money from Autodesk
Autodesk matches 75% for every dollar you contribute, up to $6,000—for a company match of up to $4,500 in 2025. You’re immediately 100% vested in the Autodesk matching contributions, which means they’re yours to keep.
Your investment options
You choose how to invest your contributions, Autodesk’s matching contributions, and any amount you roll over from another account. You can choose from a variety of investment funds, including stock funds, bond funds, balanced funds, target retirement date trusts, a stable value fund, and a self-directed brokerage account.
If you are automatically enrolled in the 401(k) plan, your contributions will be invested in the Vanguard Target Date Retirement Fund that most closely matches your anticipated retirement at age 65.
Loans and withdrawals
Your 401(k) is meant for the future. However, you may find yourself in a situation where you need to borrow or withdraw from your account. If that happens, contact Vanguard at 1-800-523-1188 to learn more about your options.
Get the 411 on your 401(k)
Learn more and watch a video or two on the Stock and 401(k) site.